Thursday 21 May 2015

Welcome to my first ever Post on my Blog

The song "Life is Beautiful, yes it's beautiful, life is beautiful now to me" - is so true.
It continues:  "I let Jesus in, He changed everything, life is beautiful now".

Being a Christian is not easy - in fact those who think Christianity is a crutch are fooling themselves, and may I say it, turning their back on the most wonderful thing - and that is to be born again - born of the Spirit.   The highest thing for a person is to be able to worship their Creator.  Of course, one has to acknowledge that Creator before he can worship because he must first be born again.  When one gives their heart and soul to Him who has created, then their spirit comes alive.  That which was done in the garden of Eden is rendered null and void and the created is again joined to the Creator in fellowship.  That is why we worship - out of love. 

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."  Take this literally.  It is the truth - and the Word says: " You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".  Free to be who we were made to be - with purpose and destiny.  To belong, and to be loved; some have never known love in its purest form, but when you come to Christ, He is love personified.  You will experience true love!