Tuesday 15 September 2015

Aliens in the World

Do you feel like you don’t fit?  No matter where you go, you get the impression there’s something more – something big is about to happen – I mean this in a good sense.

If you are a believer in Christ, then this is absolutely normal.  Why, because we are aliens in a foreign land.  Our home is not the earth – it is in the heavenly realms. 

What, you might say.  Yes, when you are “born again”, born of the Spirit of God, you become a new creation.  The old has passed away – all things have become new.  You become a child of God belonging to the Kingdom of God.  You will have the DNA of heaven coursing through your veins.  How exciting!

How do I get “born again” you say.   The Lord says “you will seek me, and when you seek me with your whole heart you will find me”.  The Lord has a way of enticing us to him.  When we surrender – “God, I give my life to you. Forgive me for my wicked ways - I acknowledge that your son died on the cross for my sins, I thank you.”  Wahoo – welcome to a whole new life.  You will never be alone again – why, because He now lives in you.  Your spirit has come alive again.  You will find you have new desires, old bondages will drop away – sure some won’t want to go for a while – but hey a new born baby doesn’t eat meat straight away either.

Read the Bible – this is all you need to grow.  Start with John’s gospel.  Find someone to tell what has happened to you – you will know you are different!  Find a church where you can share with other believers – they will encourage and support you – and have some FUN!


  1. Thanking our Jesus that HE came - for you and for me... wow, Lenie - HE was and is incredible, isn't HE?!!!
